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After the landslide of 2021, 2022 created clarity. As DOES I speak to you through shapes and colors, creating abstract energetic pieces with the letters D O E and S as a foundation. This year I continued to strengthen and expand this foundation. To fashion, by creating a brand new collage collection ‘Clarity’ and drop an audiovisual art-film collection. Only to top it off with the release of Qui Facit Creat II.

While I was working like a madman in my studio to prepare for an upcoming solo show, in January, during the leading Paris Couture Week, fashion designer Ronald van der Kemp showed a creation made of felt painted by me and later worn by Camila Cabello. Transforming textile waste to art and couture showed that graffiti and fashion go very well together.

Come April I felt like a bird being let out of its cage. After spending months in my studio, cutting and pasting, the moment to reveal 12 new collages finally arrived. I was thrilled to share my collages with the public during Clarity, a solo show hosted by ArtCan Gallery in Marseille. In no-time the show sold out completely and I am still dazzled when I think back at it.

In May I released LOTUS 7’, an imaginative audiovisual collection capturing the creation of my paper collage ‘Lotus’ in seven days. It's something completely different to see a creation come to life digitally!

I feel honored to have participated in several exhibitions this year and interact with the public and fans again. I participated in Knotenpunkt Ausstellung 2022’, a group show in Hamburg, Germany. For this I also created two new hand cut paper collages. For ABV Gallery’s exhibition ‘Six By Six’ in Atlanta, USA, I created four mini paper collages. And during the Pure. Art Temporary exhibition in Milan, Italy, I showed a selection of my BRIQUE sculptures.

All the while holding on to my identity. Escaping the studio by going back to the streets where I feel free, where I unwind and regain my creative strength. In cooperation with Jorit and together with some Italian locals I hit the streets of Naples, a true highlight of this year. Another highlight was being back in Molitor, Paris, to participate in Molitor’s PORTRAITS D’ARTISTES.

I wrapped up the year by taking a moment to look back. Usually I focus on what’s ahead and don’t take time to reflect on my milestones. Releasing Qui Facit Creat II, the follow up of my first book, was that moment of reflection. The book displays a carefully curated selection of works in various disciplines from 2016 to 2022. It is the latest chapter in my creative process of which I am particularly proud.

I would like to thank you all who follow and encourage me, thereby giving me direction in life. I wish you all a very happy new year.

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